The story of Mini Ninjas is a simple one, as are many classic ninja/samurai movies. An old Ninja Master senses a great disturbance in the balance of nature and begins sending his most trusted students down Ninja Mountain and out into the world to investigate. But with each passing season, the ninja students do not return. After a long and troubled period of waiting, the Ninja Master sends his final two students, Hiro and Futo, to rescue their friends and investigate the source of the environmental disturbances.
As it turns out, the Evil Samurai Warlord has returned from his ancient defeat and is using dark Kuji magic to turn innocent animals into mindless samurai minions. It's up to Hiro and his friends to stop the Evil Samurai Warlord before the world is torn asunder by his improper use of Kuji magic.
1- Mini ninja game for windows
1- Mini Ninja (PC Game)(Mediafire)(Pass: