In the sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft, and in both wizard and muggle worlds Lord Volemort and his henchmen are increasingly active. With vacancies to fill at Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledor persuades Horace Slughorn, back from retirement to become the potions teacher, while Professor Snape receives long awaited news. Harry Potter, together with Dumbledore, must face treacherous tasks to defeat his evil nemesis.
Movie Information:
Genre: Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Msytery, Romance
Runtime: 153 Minutes
Release: July 2009
1- Harry Potter all series and merchandises
1- Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (2009) (DVDRip) (Mediafire links) Pass: downpacks.net
2- Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (2009) (DVDRip) (Mediafire links) Pass: mediafiremoviez.com