Testosterone, Adrenaline, and...Personal Grooming?
A zany documentarian and his trusty cameraman find themselves entangled in a venomous rivalry between the entertainment industry's two leading stuntmen. Through his efforts to uncover as much as possible about the riff, our documentarian Steve stumbles upon a family's secret that threatens to destroy the entire stunt community. What initially was supposed to be a series of sparse interviews for a behind-the-scenes special has transformed into something much larger; the documentation of the demise of a once proud tradition.
A zany documentarian and his trusty cameraman find themselves entangled in a venomous rivalry between the entertainment industry's two leading stuntmen. Through his efforts to uncover as much as possible about the riff, our documentarian Steve stumbles upon a family's secret that threatens to destroy the entire stunt community. What initially was supposed to be a series of sparse interviews for a behind-the-scenes special has transformed into something much larger; the documentation of the demise of a once proud tradition.
Movie Information:
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 90 Minutes
Release: April 2009
1- Stuntman 200 DVD movie games and more
1- Stuntmen (2009) (DVDRip) Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 (Mediafire links)